To take advantage of CVS deals, you need to sign up for and have an Extra Care Bucks card, you can sign up in-store or on their website, HERE.
ECB = Extra Care Bucks will print on the bottom of your receipt and can be used on almost any product instore, even for the next ECB deal you chose to try out.
The cashier must scan your card for you to get the sale prices.
When you are in CVS scan your ECB card at the price scanner because it will print out coupons for you, some may be for free or near free products.
Unlike Walgreens you can only do each ECB deal one time (or whatever limit CVS sets as a limit for each deal) as it is tracked on your card and will show on the bottom of each receipt.
ECB usually expire 1 month from issue date and are not manufacturer coupons so you must use them at CVS. Some CVS stores have recently begun accepting expired ECB but to be safe you should try to use them before they expire.